
Cheesemaker Chat

Cheesemaker Chat 150 150 admin

All current WASCA members are invited to join us for this Cheesemaker Chat. We are delighted to have Yvonne Yeoh from Neal’s Yard Dairy joining us to talk about affinage…

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Cheesemaker Happy Hour

Cheesemaker Happy Hour 2560 2546 admin

All current WASCA members are invited to join us for our inaugural Cheesemaker Happy Hour! Members will receive the Zoom registration link through a listserv message. Please ensure that you…

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Cheesemaker Chats

Cheesemaker Chats 683 1024 admin

All current WASCA members are invited to join us for our inaugural Cheesemaker Chat! Members will receive the registration link through a listserv message. Please ensure that you are a…

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Announcing Cheesemaker Chats & Happy Hour Series

Announcing Cheesemaker Chats & Happy Hour Series 1944 2560 admin

Winter 2023 Newsletter

Winter 2023 Newsletter 623 610 admin

WASCA’s Winter 2023 Newsletter is now available online. To read the newsletter, please visit this link through MailChimp: https://mailchi.mp/105183e8026d/wasca-winter-newsletter?e=5396cdd635

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Hybrid Annual Member Meeting Held

Hybrid Annual Member Meeting Held 1224 588 admin

WASCA held its Annual Member Meeting as a hybrid in-person and online meeting on Friday, January 27, 2023, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The in-person portion of the meeting was…

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2023 Annual Member Meeting

2023 Annual Member Meeting 600 600 admin

WASCA’s 2023 Annual Membership Meeting will be held in person with a virtual option on Friday, January 27, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Butcher’s Table in Seattle.…

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Autumn 2022 Newsletter

Autumn 2022 Newsletter 600 600 admin

Autumn 2022 Newsletter TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Letter from the Executive Director2. Announcements3. WASCA Business4. FMPP Grant Updates5. Members in the News  LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear WASCA members and cheese…

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Summer 2022 Newsletter

Summer 2022 Newsletter 574 591 admin

Summer 2022 Newsletter Announcements, events and opportunities, oh my! Table of Contents: Letter from the Executive DirectorWASCA BusinessFMPP Grant UpdatesAnnouncementsMembers In the News Letter From the Executive Director Dear WASCA Members…

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Meet the Cheesemakers: Whatcom County

Meet the Cheesemakers: Whatcom County 2560 2544 admin

  ***UPDATE: TICKET SALES ARE NOW CLOSED.*** Thank you to everyone who signed up for our event; we look forward to seeing you!   Come learn about cheese, cheesemakers, and…

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